
Let me introduce you to Little Orphan Annie, aka Princess Anne. She came into my life at a family reunion several years ago. During a lovely Labor Day picnic, right before I left my lawn chair, plate in hand, to go to the table, still overflowing with delightful southern comfort foods, she appeared from the fields. My great-niece initially discovered her, a pitiful sight, covered with burrs and mud. She was very skinny, with a couple of chipped teeth, no doubt incurred during her homeless ordeal and encounters with curious dogs. However, much to the dismay of my great-niece and I, it seems that this creature decided that I was to be her chosen one. AAAARRRRRGGGGGGGG. I am so very allergic to cats. I already have one stray cat, who thinks he is a dog, but that's another story.

So now, here is this poor thing who likes me, she really likes me. She's camped out under my feet. What's a woman to do???? I have to take her home, pick out the burrs, get rid of the cooties, and take her to the vet for all the appropriate treatments. And now, Princess Anne rules the homestead. The best thing about Annie, she not only loves to cuddle, but she absolutely loves quilts. All I have to do is put a piece of fabric near her and she is on it like a duck on a Junebug. She continually lavished her attentions on the piles of fabric that I had strewn about my studio while I was creating my latest quilt, "Fractured Honeysuckles". I have almost gotten my Honey quilted, but here's a sneak peak. I will post honey in all her glory, once she is completed. You know, I think that just maybe Annie felt a kinship with this piece, considering her unknown origins, perhaps hiding from the unfriendly dogs in the late summer tangled honeysuckle vines of southeast Tennessee.

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