Or is it summer in disguise? Down south we have had record high temps. Whew! Need I say that I am not ready for summer? What happened to spring? The dogwoods and iris are in full bloom. Gloriously.
I am stuck with my latest geometric triangular design. So why not go with the flow?
Taking pictures of the prolific dogwood blossoms and giant white iris blooms, I have left those geos in the dust/mud and felt compelled to create new textile art/fiber art/quilt from my pictures of the exquisite deep pink dogwood tree in my backyard.
I am stuck with my latest geometric triangular design. So why not go with the flow?
Taking pictures of the prolific dogwood blossoms and giant white iris blooms, I have left those geos in the dust/mud and felt compelled to create new textile art/fiber art/quilt from my pictures of the exquisite deep pink dogwood tree in my backyard.
Taking multiple photos of all the dogwoods, pink and white, I quickly settled on the composition of the white dogwood. However, not wanting to do another white bloom, I used this photo as my design, using pink as the color of the blooms.
Okay, so I know that they are totally different botanical configurations, but this composition just spoke to me. Hello. Use me. But make me pink. Call it artistic license. Does that work for you? Hey, it is working for me, at any rate. Here is where it has gotten me thus far.
the pattern:
day 3:
Just know that these are simply pieces of fabric pinned to my design wall and not sewn together. Subject to change at my whim. They are not my usual colors of choice. But I am liking the pink (okay I have begun a new love affair with pink) and the blue greens, which seem to play well.
I am off and running again with my fav.
I can't wait for tomorrow.