I am off and running with the neutrals. With bits '0 color.
Using the quilt as you go method, but doing it my way, I've been playing around. Trying to prevent myself from over thinking the thing. Y'all do know how difficult that can be. The first block is pretty cool, so I went ahead and quilted it. Just to see how that process works, but the real reason is because I have no patience at all. I couldn't wait to jump into the thing. The second block is a bit better, so I quilted it too. Yippeee this is fun, so I play with number three block. Number 3 is cool, but doesn't work for me with number 1 and 2 when I put everything on the design wall. Let's make block four and five and see how that goes. In between each one I am placing them on the design wall and scratching my head, looking for a way for them to fit together. Changing and rearranging. And yes, over thinking them. Here is where they stand at this point.
Now I have fully realized that I must get on with just making the blocks, throw them up on the design wall (unquilted) and see where it takes me. No more worrying that I have too many lights, too many * darks*, not enough white. The more blocks that I make, the more I learn and the more Gee's Bend-ish the seem to feel. Well, Gee's Bend without color. Ya think? At this juncture I am open for any and all opinions.
* the tones on my computer screen show more contrast between the fabrics than they actually appear in person. The darkest strip is actually a light shade of oatmeal.